Why Is The U.S. Labor Market For Independent Corporate Board Directors Ossified?

It’s Time To Engage China In A New ‘Economic G8’

Sustainability Is Far More Than Just A Corporate Aspiration

Boards Can Surmount The Cybersecurity ‘Intimidation Factor’: 10 Questions Directors Should Discuss With C-Suites

When Too Much Corporate Social Responsibility Is Too Good To Be True

The 'Other' Crucial Board Diversity Gap: Operational Experience In Emerging Markets

Washington’s Oil Price Cap Won’t Work, And Putin Knows It

COVID’s Pandemic Is Not The End Of Globalization, It Will Even Spur Newer Global Supply Chains

The G7 Should Cross-Leverage Antitrust and Foreign Investment Screening Policies

Publicly Banning TikTok Would Signal Washington Envies Beijing’s State-Controlled Economy

Biden’s Antitrust Policy Mustn’t Throw Out The Baby With The Bathwater

Don’t Mistake Today’s “Whack-A-Mole” Logistics Regime for A New Era of Global Supply Chain Management

Does New CFIUS Data Show U.S. Constraints On Foreign Investment Intensifying?

India's Ossified Ports Are Ceding Indo-Pacific Trade To China

Businesses Should Not Be Shocked By China’s Aggressive Decoupling Offensive

Beware Of Declarations Portending Russia’s War Is The End Of Globalization

Inducing U.S. “Economic Patriotism” Through Outbound Investment National Security Screening

Homebound Firms’ ESG Strategies Must Incorporate Risks And Opportunities Beyond The Border

ESG Disclosures Are Necessary But Not Sufficient

G7: Balance Security and Collaboration

CFIUS’ Annual Report Fails to Illuminate US Foreign Investment Policy

China’s Shocker That Wasn’t: Xi Consolidates His One-Man Rule And State Economic Domination

It’s Time For A Post-Putin Economic Plan

Balancing Antitrust and National Security Impacts of Foreign Investment in the U.S.

Weaponizing Global Supply Chains Is Unlikely To Alter China’s Uyghur Human Rights Regime

Sustainability Pledges By Business Are Outshining Those By Government

National Security Regulation of Foreign Investment is Globalization’s 'New Normal'

The Belt and Road Initiative is Short of ‘Chinese Characteristics’

What It Takes For Russia’s Sanctions To Have A Fighting Chance To Work

Global Supply Chains’ Crisis Is Much Bigger Than The Pandemic; The Transformation They're Undergoing Is The Cure

Cybersecurity Risk Management, Strategy, Governance, and Incident Disclosure

Germany’s Chaired G7 Summit Is A Watershed Opportunity For Leading Democracies To Capitalize On Teetering Authoritarian Economies

WTO Peer Review Of China’s Trade Regime Should Rouse Biden From Trump’s Perverse Approach

The Road To Reinventing “Corporate Purpose” Is Full Of Reckless Stakeholders And Potholes

The G7’s Empty Rhetoric On “Economic Coercion” And “De-Risking”

The Cynicism Of Biden’s High-Risk, Low-Reward Vaccine Patent Waiver

CFIUS Under Biden Just Got Tougher

Xi Jinping, Although Not In Cornwall, Had A Profound Impact On The G7 Summit

Time to Modernize Investor Dispute Arbitration

Washington's 'Endless Frontier' Will Stifle Innovation

Want A Repeat Of Bankrupt U.S. Trade Policy To Start Another Great Depression? Let Washington Withdraw America From The WTO

CFIUS Annual Report Reveals a Maturing Agency With Increased Agility

Capitalizing on the G7 “Research Compact”

Putin Clipped The G7’s Summit Commitments

Forced U.S.-China Decoupling Poses Large Risks

Even The Globe's Largest Economy Can No Longer Afford To Subsidize Gasoline

Multilateral R&D Investment is Vital to Enhance National Security

Key CFIUS Takeaways from 2022: Focusing on ‘Excessive Degree of Foreignness’ in Sensitive Sectors

Biden’s Economic Policies Should Eclipse Trump’s In Style And Substance

Digitalization Is Upending Global Logistics, Now Augmented By COVID’s Social Distancing Imperative

Trump’s USMCA Cannibalized NAFTA

Africa’s Governing Elite Share The Blame For China’s Belt, Road Debt Crisis

Protectionism Makes The Coronavirus Even More Lethal

Bold CFIUS Predictions for 2023: ‘Sustainability and ESG Coming for CFIUS Assessments’

Brussels Exacted A ‘Brexit Premium’ From London To Deter Further EU Withdrawals

Prosecuting Foreign Officials For Extortion Won't Stop Businesses Offering Bribes

'Bringing Sexy Back' To Infrastructure

As CFIUS Turns 45 Years Old, U.S. Regulation of Foreign Investment Is The Strictest Among Advanced Countries

How The Fed’s Powell Can Profit From Trump's Interference

Blocking The Siemens-Alstom Rail Merger Was In The EU’s Public Interest

Can Africa’s Continental Free Trade Area Overcome its High Risks?

The Coalition-Based Trade Strategy Trump Should Pursue Toward China

Time for a New Chapter to Forge and Leverage International S&T Agreements

Trump’s “Phase One” Trade Deal Shows He Envies Xi’s State-Control of China’s Economy

Nostalgia For Manufacturing Blinds Trump To Services’ Role In International Trade

The Putin-Trump Bromance Won't Last 

The Indo-Pacific Economic Framework and US-China Relations

Tensions Are Toughening in Transatlantic Trade

Time To Try An Economic Carrot Approach With North Korea

Trump’s Demand For US Multinational Firms’ Loyalty Is Undermined By His China Diplomatic Decoupling

RCEP Is Oversold As The World’s Largest New Free-Trade Area

Mr. Trump Failed ‘Trade Tariffs 101’ At Wharton

China’s New Foreign Investment Law is a Missed Opportunity

Trump’s TikTok Tactics Provoke China’s Countering CFIUS As New Data Portend Decoupling

A Questionable Global Antitrust War on US Hi-Tech

The Dangerous Myth The U.S. Is Winning The Trade War With China

Boards of Global Firms Lack International Diversity

Erdogan’s Witch Doctor Approach to Turkey’s Economic Crisis

CFIUS Policy to be More Cohesive Under Biden

A Policy Agenda for Africa to Regain Its Growth Trajectory

Xi Sees Trump As An Emperor With No Clothes

Corporate Boards Need Courage for Cyber Threat Solutions

China’s Slowdown Is Of Its Own Doing

The Silver Lining to Trump’s Fed Interference

Responding to CFIUS Follow-up Questions: A Guide to Building Trust

NAFTA 2.0's Poison Pill For China Will Turn Out To Be A Dud

We All Should Worry About Trump's 'Divide And Conquer' Trade Policy

        U.S. Foreign Investment Policy Gets A Tougher But More Transparent CFIUS

        Boris Johnson’s Impulsivity Will Undermine UK Brexit Trade Negotiations

Antitrust's Myopic View Of National Security Threats To Competitiveness

Trump’s 'Art of the Deal' Won’t Help Him Out-Negotiate China

Trump’s Trade Policy Is For 1818, Not 2018

The White House Should Solicit Advice From Independent Board Directors

The Method And Madness Of Trump's Tariff Scheme

Corporate Boards' Oversight Of Cyber Risks Is Too Passive

Africans Are The Up-And-Coming Inventors

Narendra Modi's Challenge In India's Elections

Trump's Misplaced Penchant for Bilateral Trade Deals

Will A Global Corporate Tax-Cutting War Yield The Intended Benefits?

Millennials' Push For Corporate Instant Messaging Could Enhance Cybersecurity

Party On, Comrade Xi Jinping!

Africa Embraces Free Trade As Advanced Countries Intensify Protectionism

US-China Tariff War Masks Ascendant Trade In Services

A New Therapeutic Approach Is Needed For North Korea

Naiveté About CFIUS' National Security Policy Towards Foreign Investment In The U.S.

China’s New ‘Belt Road’ Project Already Needs Renovation

Time To Hit The Corporate Social Responsibility 'Reset Button'

Don't Underestimate India's Cunning Narendra Modi

Trump’s Treatment of Mexico Will Give Him A Bigger Headache: China In The U.S. Backyard

Arbitration of International Investor-State Disputes Sorely Needs Reform

Africa, The Continent Of Economic Misperceptions

Trump’s Unpredictability Weighs On The Economy’s Direction

Keep Your Eyes On The Ever-Expanding 'Shanghai Cooperation Organization': It's Moving Towards The Middle East

Will China's 'One Belt, One Road' Become A 'Bridge To Nowhere'?

The Oversold US-China Trade Agreement

Putin And Trump Won't Make It To The Wedding Altar

Trump's 'Last-In, First-Out' (LIFO) Economic Policy

How Brexit Makes Sense But Restructuring NAFTA Is Nonsense

Why India's Tortoise May Beat China's Hare

Washington's Stealth U-Turn On Transparency Of Corporate Payments To Foreign Governments

When North America Goes Low on Trade, Africa Aims High

Remedying The Misprescription of Austerity  

China's "New Silk Road's" Flawed One-Way Design Will Flop

Trump’s ‘Threatenomics’ Targets Mexico

Are China's Chickens Finally Coming Home To Roost?

Washington Out-Negotiate The Chinese? Nope

Where's The Courage In Greece's Tragedy?

The Opportunity In OPEC's Twilight

ASEAN: The China 2.0 Investment Strategy

Can Africa Leapfrog The Innovation Gap?

Brexit Could Be Britain's Gift To A Revitalized Europe

China Needs The Market To Adhere To Its Ban On Ivory Trade

The SEC's Blind Eye On Corruption

Africa’s Debt Dance with China in Creating the Belt Road Initiative

Is The Hibernation Of Yellin's Fed Really Over?

'Honey, Who Shrunk OPEC?'  

Hide Or Seek: Tales Of Risks and Opportunities In Emerging Markets

Looking For Economic Growth In All The Wrong Places

Welcome To Globalization 2.0. Or Is It 3.0?

Japan Should Refocus On Africa As A Source Of Growth